Project Management

Project Management

The importance of successful project management is being organised, have good time management, being aware of the end vision, but at all times being flexible to change direction if the original plan is not the right one. 
Over the years we have delivered a very varied number of projects, some are full-time others fit in with other work we deliver. Some are for a small period others have lasted over a year. We normally set a start and finish date on our work which allows us to programme in all the activity and set milestones with our clients to measure our delivery.

Who we work with

As part of a Discover England piece of work, we delivered a 7 month development and marketing project. Creating an experiential offer at churches across England, which were bookable online and then marketed it to US tour operators via sales missions, online and offline direct marketing and trade show. From the success of this project, we were asked to resubmit for the next round and also secured Visit Wales funding for a similar project. Using this experience, we worked for 3 months to develop a number of packages for cruise ship onshore day trips to an attraction in Cheshire. Once the packages were developed, we contacted a number of cruise companies and secured a luxury yacht contract.
On a different project we worked with a stately home to address their corporate marketing needs. As a popular wedding venue, they were busy on weekends but stood empty throughout the week. Our work was to set up a conference and venue hire offer, identify agencies to work with and target markets to sell too. Before this work was started, we noticed they were not using their online platforms correctly, so we worked with them and their providers to get the website up to date, understand and make the online booking system working more productively and to help with forecasting and creating CRM systems and to use the online planning tool for venue bookings which helped with invoicing, CRM, staffing, supplier booking and a valuable tool for clients to help organise their side of the events. Once this was all working correctly, we worked with them for 6 months on the corporate booking work. 

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What our clients say....

"Having a skilled and talented network of business advisors is fundamental for Creative United. Emma, Director of Triquest, has helped us brilliantly on two NHLF national projects with mentoring and coaching for heritage organisations as well as webinar delivery. Her help was fundamental in keeping our projects on time and achieving the outputs, especially during the recent Covid-19 pandemic in which we had to convert all the project activities (including events) online. She is not only thorough, but also a delight to work with and always willing to help with projects. The best part was that I could completely trust her to represent our company professionally with our clients."

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